Get the Dance fever...
From African dance to hip-hop, ballet to ballroom, the dance fever is gradually sweeping the nation, fueled by popular TV shows and the rise of easy-to-learn dance moves. You must have heard of skelewu, shoki or kukere, all popularized by superstar singers. Dance is gradually becoming an easy way to good time in Nigeria. More people now regularly attend creative and social dance gatherings each year.
Whether you like to jump or jive, shake your belly or your booty to Afrobeat, the good news is that dancing is one of the most enjoyable ways to get some exercise. Regular dancing is great for losing weight, maintaining strong bones, improving posture and muscle strength, increasing balance and co-ordination and beating stress.
One of the best things about dancing is that while you’re having fun moving to music and meeting new people, you’re getting all the health benefits of a good workout. At QDanceCenter, we will help you get started in dancing, introduce you to some popular dance styles taught in the Nigeria and help you find a love in dancing.
DanceAerobics - Mondays/Wednesdays/Fridays - 7am - 8am. iFitDance Session - Tuesdays / 7pm - 8pm. SalsaClass - Thursdays / 7pm - 8pm. AfricanaDance Class - Fridays / 7pm - 8pm QDanceSaturdays - Saturdays / 9am - 10am. ChildrenCreatives Club - Saturdays / 10:15am - 11:30am. Also... SalsaParty every last Thursday of the month / 7pm - 9pm.